Understanding PEMF Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview

PEMF therapy has been gaining popularity in the equine community, offering incredible advantages for horse wellness, but it is far from new. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Therapies (PEMF) was introduced into the scientific community in the 1970’s by Bassett and colleagues further being authorized by government agencies in 1979 when its efficacy proved important for health and healing. Horses were actually the first beneficiaries of this special treatment being used to help heal bone fractures in race horses.

PEMF machines employ electromagnetic fields by pulsing a current through an attachment or coil which can vary in frequency, and intensity depending on the physiological location, needs and feedback. PEMF penetrates deep into tissues (~16 inches), which may lead to a variety of health benefits, such as increased circulation, reduced inflammation, pain relief, and enhanced cellular metabolism (favoring the intra- and extra-cellular exchange of nutrients and waste) as well as repair (regenerating blood cells, improve circulation and increase oxygen levels). When used regularly, PEMF therapy is the perfect ally to relieving pain and inflammation in bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints, it is also an important tool for helping acute conditions such as colic. It is a superior system to support equine health, aid recovery, and optimize performance.

PEMF Therapy North Salem

The MagnaWave Method:

  • A MagnaWave PEMF machine produces electromagnetic fields by pulsing a current through an attachment or coil. This creates the magnetic fields which vary in frequency, and intensity depending on the settings of the machine and the attached coil.

  • The user positions the coil or other attachment (like a mat, or paddle), near or directly on the part of the body requiring a session. The generated electromagnetic fields then penetrate the body, stimulating cellular metabolism. MagnaWave sessions can range from 5-30 minutes.

  • Once the electromagnetic fields penetrate the body, they induce tiny electrical currents in the cells. This can stimulate the cells, promoting improved cellular function and health. It can increase ATP production (cellular energy), improve oxygenation, and help cells to detoxify and absorb nutrients more effectively.

  • As a result of the improved cellular function, users may experience various benefits. This can include pain relief, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, faster recovery, increased bone density, and enhanced overall wellness.

What to expect during a session:

  • Practitioner should arrive at the agreed upon time. It is great for the horses to be inside a cleaned off prior to their session.

  • Loops are key players in PEMF therapy for horses. They are the conduit of the electromagnetic field to the body part under treatment. This magnetic field, generated by the loop, kickstarts biological processes within the targeted tissue, fostering healing and alleviating discomfort. Loops are offered in various shapes and sizes to suit different areas of the body. If a horse is somewhat skeptical of the process kindness and soft introduction is key. Most horses, after a time, realize that the Magnawave makes them feel good within a short period of time and relax immediately when they see them.

  • Each session lasts anywhere from 5 minutes (for an acute focused area- often done multiple times a week or even a day - rental machines can be utilized for these circumstances) to ~30 minutes. New clients often take longer to build a routine and gain better understanding of the horses needs.

  • Sessions are designed for each horse and each horses needs.

  • Every horse responds to PEMF therapy individually. Some are much fresher after a session (often upon acute treatments) while others like the day off (after therapeutic full body treatments). Riding prior to a PEMF session is often recommended, unless your horse likes PEMF before work.

  • MagnaWave/PEMF does move toxins from the cellular system which can cause some fatigue. Water is important and electrolytes are suggested (mainly during hotter months) to support this detox.

  • Check in and offer feedback. It is of utmost importance to let me know how things are going so I can help to tailor and guide future sessions.

How Often Should You MagnaWave:

Needs and budget are a constant dance for all of us in the equine industry and both of those things are taken into consideration when recommending MagnaWave frequency. It is my goal to help each horse and rider to find the best balance for optimal health and happiness through Magnawave for themselves and their equine partner.

  • For Acute Issues it is important to start MagnaWave early and do it often. Healing from a wound or an acute injury should be addressed multiple times per week.

  • For Chronic Care it is suggested that a horse is treated as much as is right for that horse which could mean up to 1 to 2 times per week depending on the needs an the condition being addressed.

  • Consistent Support 1 - 4 times per month is suggested. It is important to note here that there is prevention associated regular sessions. Regular sessions for horses help keep them strong and healthy, boosting cellular resilience, supporting muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Additionally, the release and relaxation experienced during a session cannot be understated.

*Check out this basic guide for utilizing MagnaWave for your horses health and wellbeing, remember that each situation and each horse is individual and each session or combination of sessions should be tailored to them specifically.

PEMF Therapy for Wellness North Salem

Positive Signs of Relaxation:

Soft eyes, lowered head, yawning, stretching, licking and chewing, and sleeping during a MagnaWave session are all signs that a horse is releasing. All of these signal a reduction in stress and are associated with the function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems comprise the ANS. Together, they regulate body functions that are associated with both the flight and the rest response. The sympathetic system promotes the fight or flight response utilized when a horse is threatened, stressed or confused. In this phase, the body is preparing itself survival through enhanced circulatory and respiratory functions, while suppressing digestion. This biological response primes every sense and bodily function for optimized survival odds.

The parasympathetic system promotes the “rest and digest” response. When horses are going into the parasympathetic stage, the nervous system calms down and allows for optimized digestion, allowing for horses to uptake nutrients efficiently. Additionally, it decreases the heart rate, which calms the horse down to a relaxed state.

So how does “non nutritive chewing” come into play? A study in 2018 at Norwegian University of Life Science studied feral horses and their chewing behavior sequences. They observed that compulsive chewing occurred when horses relaxed from a tense moment. This behavior also occurs frequently during massage, chiropractic and MagnaWave session and is readily considered a positive release. While the referenced study suggested that licking and chewing occurs after a tense moment, it can be observed that during release in a PEMF or bodywork session there is a moment of tension just prior to a profound release resulting in this same licking and chewing pattern. Like us, horses hold a little first, then let go.

Positive signs such as this lets you know the horse is comfortable and that PEMF is being applied properly. Horses are especially sensitive and quick to tell you if something is not suitable for them, we just have to listen.

PEMF Therapy for Wellness North Salem


Equine PEMF Therapy in North Salem


Maintaining a Healthy and Happy Horse